Wordplay Relay Episodes

Nov. 17, 2019

Episode 87: Hockey Puck Vespucci

Let’s slow down and sing a song of villains, pastimes, and a game of names. Tonight's guests: Troy Wood, David Bowers, and Rick Tetrault
Nov. 7, 2019

Episode 86: Mastodon Rebellion

Hmmm... I detect notes of folks getting their image- based descriptions on... Tonight's guests: Thomas Payton, Allie Sandstrom, and Chris DeFilippis
Sept. 16, 2019

Episode 79: Inventing Peter Beazley

Peter told me that multiple-answer questions are the smurfiest!! Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Rick Tetrault, and Scott Matteson
Aug. 21, 2019

Episode 76: Elevated Honey Mint

Not sure what I “mint?” Ask the wife. She’ll “relay” the whole crazy story. Tonight’s guests: Allie Sandstrom, Virginia Pickel, and Jared Stern
July 16, 2019

Episode 70: Gamesmith Revolution

Coming to the stage, Randomized Smith and the Not To Be Confused Withs! Tonight's Guests: Branden Ushio, Allie Sandstrom, Virginia Pickel.
June 12, 2019

Episode 62: Thorax A Go-Go

Hey Honey? Are you "sir"-tain the scores are all for three and three for one? Tonight's guests: Josh Axelrod, Thomas Payton, and Jared Stern
June 11, 2019

Episode 50: A Dalek's Best Friend

Helpful engines of death, fur babies, and super- easy space travel. Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Chris DeFilippis, and Rick Tetrault
June 11, 2019

Episode 49: The Enigma Modification

Advertising joy, Adjective augmentation, and... um, secret stuff. Thanks to Allie Sandstrom and Rick Tetrault for playing!
June 11, 2019

Episode 45: Captain Cosmic Crossover COMPLETE

We're back (sort of)! Don't think "re-run episode," think "Special Edition!"
June 11, 2019

Episode 42: Yodel Badger II: Badger Rules

Take a movie and "ad" one for Part 2, but three's the magic number. Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Troy Wood, and Chris DeFilippis
June 11, 2019

Episode 41: Show Game Captain

To err is human, just like teaching the young and making up stories. Tonight's guests: David Bowers, Rick Tetrault, and Allie Sandstrom
June 10, 2019

Episode 35: World War GameShow

Um, people who, um... are secret superheroes and spit mad fire. Tonight's guests: Troy, A.J., and Colton from the World War G Podcast
June 10, 2019

Episode 29: Cosmic Crossover

Hear the conclusion to the game that started on Cosmic Potato! Tonight's guests: Shawn Wray, Rick Tetrault, and Very Special Guest Star Branden Ushio
June 10, 2019

Episode 28: Chim-Chim vs the Alamo

"Real" real or fake real? We question words and movies — We also name-names. Tonight's guests: Rick Tetrault, Troy Wood, and Virginia Pickel
June 10, 2019

Episode 24: Fandom GameShow

It’s all about the cities, nations, and junk in the time-travel trunk. Today’s guests: Well… technically I’m the guest today. But the players are Branden Ushio, Jeff Dumas, and Nik English of The Fandom Podcast.