Wordplay Relay Episodes

March 29, 2022

Episode 151: Air Bud Lloyd Webber

Letters appear in order, and reversed, and from E, G, O, to T. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Virginia Pickel, and Shawn Wray Please subscribe to the show and leave a 5-star rating and review, and check out the other podc...
Feb. 15, 2022

Episode 148: Carpal Spider Syndrome

Answer with questions, Especially “why?” Then say those three little words… Tonight's guests: Jenn Allen, Josh Axelrod, and Rick Tetrault Please subscribe to the show and leave a 5-star rating and review, and check out the ot...
Dec. 23, 2021

Episode 146: From "Patri" to "Archy"

Run words back to front — and when answers peter out, just make up the rest. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Virginia Pickel, and Philip Burrowes Please subscribe to the show and leave a 5-star rating and review, and check...
Oct. 15, 2021

Episode 142: Stranded GameShow!

Was there a panda in the house? And was singing prescribed? You tell me! Tonight's Guests: Hayley Hobbs, Matthew Carroll and J. Scotty St. Clair of the Stranded Panda Podcast Network. Please subscribe to the show and leave a ...
July 25, 2021

Episode 137: Pass, Fail, Apologize

Take "note": The odds are 50/50 that you'll have a good night, players. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, David Bowers, and Jared Stern Please subscribe to the show and leave a 5-star rating and review, and check out other p...
June 22, 2021

Episode 135: Lady, Momma, Goddess, Girlfriend

It’s Bob! Act now and dive into the stream backwards! Served first come first it’s! Tonight's Guests: Jenn Allen, Philip Burrowes, and Rick Tetrault
May 5, 2021

Episode 132: Crisp Linen Thundercats

Thanks, Chris! No, not you... Even though your “H” means you do "-ave" a shared trait. Tonight's guests: Philip Burrowes, Troy Wood, and Rick Tetrault
Feb. 14, 2021

Episode 126: Double Pants of Doubt

A couple of things: “Bee” a team player, and rhyme names to play “sweet” games. Tonight's guests: Allie and Greg Sandstrom, Elizabeth and Bill Lynch, and Jared and Jared Stern (no relation)
Jan. 21, 2021

Episode 124: Hedgehog Don't Lie

Get in line, slowly. Animals? Sure... but the plants may cause confusion. Tonight's Guests: Philip Burrowes, Shawn Wray, and Rick Tetrault
Oct. 22, 2020

Episode 119: Hot Like Funky

Name all the things, then do the math — you can’t get from “A 2 Z” that way. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Troy Wood, and Rick Tetrault
Aug. 19, 2020

Episode 114: Oscar Meyer Aria

Unlike most jokes, puns should work in reverse, thanks to their "double" meanings. Tonight's guests: Christina Brady, Rini Gupta, Molly Huie, Jackie Palmer and Tommy Shen
May 27, 2020

Episode 108: Particle Bear

Earworms invade the rounds, scramble tiles, and mention every game ever. Tonight's guests: Branden Ushio, Allie Sandstrom, and Rick Tetrault
March 29, 2020

Episode 102: Papa Jolf Takes It Slow

Golly gee! I knew I could count on you to make a name for yourself! Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Rick Tetrault, and Chris DeFilippis
Feb. 20, 2020

Episode 100: MetaSmurf Holiday

Alternate timeline - Episode 100 has questions by request! Tonight's guests: Chris DeFillipis, Thomas Payton, and Joe Crowe
Jan. 25, 2020

Episode 96: The Mudville Spoilers

When puns with twists go bad, does that make them "spoiled?" Hon? Is this thing on? Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Rick Tetrault