Ni Esrever Episodes

June 22, 2021

Episode 135: Lady, Momma, Goddess, Girlfriend

It’s Bob! Act now and dive into the stream backwards! Served first come first it’s! Tonight's Guests: Jenn Allen, Philip Burrowes, and Rick Tetrault
June 8, 2021

Episode 134: Muppet Metropolis

Expecting puns? Good. Rewind the "tape," then say the one word that "sticks" best. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Matthew Carroll, and Shawn Wray
April 19, 2021

Episode 130: Pepe Le Pirate

Change how you “ARR”ange each letter, so letters of love end the right way. Tonight's guests: Branden Ushio, Thomas Payton and Jared Stern
March 19, 2021

Episode 127: After Party Ultimatum

One... two... three! Time to revise lists, reverse words, and “Marvel” at fake names. Tonight's guests: David Bowers, Branden Ushio, and Chris DeFilippis
Dec. 11, 2020

Episode 121: Teen Wolf Coup

All rise (or, all "rose"? ...maybe "esir?") as two guys even up the odds! Tonight's guests: Chris DeFilippis and Rick Tetrault
Sept. 30, 2020

Episode 118: Battlestar Junction

Sing a melody to the moon, before it goes all backwards again. Tonight's guests: David Bowers, Thomas Payton and Jared Stern
Sept. 21, 2020

Episode 117: Pirate Calculus

The creatures gather, hang out, and put the "ARRR" in every “reversal”. Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Branden Ushio
Aug. 19, 2020

Episode 114: Oscar Meyer Aria

Unlike most jokes, puns should work in reverse, thanks to their "double" meanings. Tonight's guests: Christina Brady, Rini Gupta, Molly Huie, Jackie Palmer and Tommy Shen
June 24, 2020

Episode 110: Sherlock Hangover

Listen! Famous roles enter, triple, then reverse. Don't act so confused! Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Rick Tetrault
May 16, 2020

Episode 107: Black Side of the Moon

Going backwards at astronomically slow speeds might cause confusion... Tonight's guests: Chris DeFilippis, Virginia Pickel, and Jared Stern
March 22, 2020

Episode 101: Emu Inception

A rose by any other name, sings a song that remains the "emas." Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Shane Scanlan.
Jan. 1, 2020

Episode 93: Atomic Nanny

Tag team teamwork works to wisely answer “Why?”… then takes all it back (wards). Tonight’s guests: Shawn Wray, Virigina Pickel, and Rick Tetrault
Nov. 28, 2019

Episode 89: The MOFO Challenge

stuff read in reverse? Is the millennials' best Confusing, I know. Tonight's Guests: Allie Sandstrom, Virginia Pickel, and Jared Stern