Groot Sings The Hits Episodes

Jan. 21, 2021

Episode 124: Hedgehog Don't Lie

Get in line, slowly. Animals? Sure... but the plants may cause confusion. Tonight's Guests: Philip Burrowes, Shawn Wray, and Rick Tetrault
Jan. 13, 2021

Episode 123: The Math is Silent

Tree plus one is four. Hear silence and count with your ears. This is the way. Tonight's Guests: Molly Huie, Jackie Palmer and Linda Ouyang
Nov. 12, 2020

Episode 120: Sphinx Hurts (V.M.A.T.Q.)

Ready yourselves to deliberate random lists, numbers, and square (G)roots. Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Matthew Carroll.
Sept. 30, 2020

Episode 118: Battlestar Junction

Sing a melody to the moon, before it goes all backwards again. Tonight's guests: David Bowers, Thomas Payton and Jared Stern
July 17, 2020

Episode 112: Muffin Blitz

If your "magical Netflix" features rhyming roles, you're on tree right track. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Scott Matteson, and Boz Bozier-Lown This is the first of two live-streamed episodes we recorded for @HomeCon las...
May 27, 2020

Episode 108: Particle Bear

Earworms invade the rounds, scramble tiles, and mention every game ever. Tonight's guests: Branden Ushio, Allie Sandstrom, and Rick Tetrault
April 23, 2020

Episode 105: Autobot Funk

How would someone say, “It’s shaped like a circle!” in Droot’s native language? Tonight's guests: Branden Ushio, Philip Burrowes, and Thomas Payton
March 22, 2020

Episode 101: Emu Inception

A rose by any other name, sings a song that remains the "emas." Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Shane Scanlan.
Jan. 19, 2020

Episode 95: The Love Shack of Consciousness

Sing a sorta song of "conscious" bounty hunters in far away streams. Tonight's guests: Jared Stern, Allie Sandstrom, and Branden Ushio
Dec. 15, 2019

Episode 91: Moon-dalorian Teapot

It's Disney+, PLUS a Disney character as he bids you "Groot night." Tonight's Guests: Virginia Pickel, Chris DeFilippis, and Thomas Payton
Nov. 17, 2019

Episode 87: Hockey Puck Vespucci

Let’s slow down and sing a song of villains, pastimes, and a game of names. Tonight's guests: Troy Wood, David Bowers, and Rick Tetrault
Sept. 22, 2019

Episode 80: Herbivore Rhapsody

Families that sing slowly together, appear “show-ly” together. Tonight’s guests: Virginia Pickel, Shawn Wray, and Shane Scanlan
Aug. 10, 2019

Episode 74: The Circle of Groot

"I am Groot," which means: "Interpret the letters and you'll have a great knight!" Thanks to Shawn Wray, David Roberson, and Troy Wood for playing!