Season 3

June 28, 2021

Episode 135 1/2: The Hidden Game 3.0

You've waited, and now at long last, it's arrived! Meet your Hidden Game clue! Thank you to everyone who has played or listened during Season 3 of Captain GameShow! And a special shoutout to anyone who has subscribed or told ...
June 22, 2021

Episode 135: Lady, Momma, Goddess, Girlfriend

It’s Bob! Act now and dive into the stream backwards! Served first come first it’s! Tonight's Guests: Jenn Allen, Philip Burrowes, and Rick Tetrault
June 8, 2021

Episode 134: Muppet Metropolis

Expecting puns? Good. Rewind the "tape," then say the one word that "sticks" best. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Matthew Carroll, and Shawn Wray
May 17, 2021

Episode 133: Monster Serenade

Sir-tain songs let you paint mental pictures, so you'll have a restful "knight." Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Branden Ushio, and Jared Stern
May 5, 2021

Episode 132: Crisp Linen Thundercats

Thanks, Chris! No, not you... Even though your “H” means you do "-ave" a shared trait. Tonight's guests: Philip Burrowes, Troy Wood, and Rick Tetrault
April 25, 2021

Episode 131: A Scheme of Semaphore

Entendre abounds! Rewrite the words and search for a “double” meaning. Tonight's guests: Philip Burrowes, Troy Wood and Chris DeFilippis
April 19, 2021

Episode 130: Pepe Le Pirate

Change how you “ARR”ange each letter, so letters of love end the right way. Tonight's guests: Branden Ushio, Thomas Payton and Jared Stern
April 6, 2021

Episode 129: Big Little Lima Bean

Young ones, ride the stream. Dare — like your story — to be ever-evolving. Tonight's guests: Philip Burrowes, Allie Sandstrom, and Scott Matteson Subscribe to Infinite Potato on Patreon to hear the original after-credit bonus...
March 26, 2021

Episode 128: Earth to Frozen Face

Ask... slowly... if real life is "real" or not. I won't lie, it's confusing. Tonight's guests: Matthew Carroll, Rick Tetrault and Shawn Wray
March 19, 2021

Episode 127: After Party Ultimatum

One... two... three! Time to revise lists, reverse words, and “Marvel” at fake names. Tonight's guests: David Bowers, Branden Ushio, and Chris DeFilippis
Feb. 14, 2021

Episode 126: Double Pants of Doubt

A couple of things: “Bee” a team player, and rhyme names to play “sweet” games. Tonight's guests: Allie and Greg Sandstrom, Elizabeth and Bill Lynch, and Jared and Jared Stern (no relation)
Feb. 1, 2021

Episode 125: Sword of the Penguins

"Exes" are silent. Others will tell the tale... and fight with twisted tongues. Tonight's guests: Branden Ushio, Rick Tetrault, and Thomas Payton
Jan. 21, 2021

Episode 124: Hedgehog Don't Lie

Get in line, slowly. Animals? Sure... but the plants may cause confusion. Tonight's Guests: Philip Burrowes, Shawn Wray, and Rick Tetrault
Jan. 13, 2021

Episode 123: The Math is Silent

Tree plus one is four. Hear silence and count with your ears. This is the way. Tonight's Guests: Molly Huie, Jackie Palmer and Linda Ouyang
Dec. 26, 2020

Episode 122: Captain Cosmic Christmas

For the first time, a one-round, holiday show! (No returns or refunds) 😒 Tonight's guests: Shawn Wray, Chris DeFilippis, Rick Tetrault, Scott Matteson, and Seth Walker
Dec. 11, 2020

Episode 121: Teen Wolf Coup

All rise (or, all "rose"? ...maybe "esir?") as two guys even up the odds! Tonight's guests: Chris DeFilippis and Rick Tetrault
Nov. 12, 2020

Episode 120: Sphinx Hurts (V.M.A.T.Q.)

Ready yourselves to deliberate random lists, numbers, and square (G)roots. Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Matthew Carroll.
Oct. 22, 2020

Episode 119: Hot Like Funky

Name all the things, then do the math — you can’t get from “A 2 Z” that way. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Troy Wood, and Rick Tetrault
Sept. 30, 2020

Episode 118: Battlestar Junction

Sing a melody to the moon, before it goes all backwards again. Tonight's guests: David Bowers, Thomas Payton and Jared Stern
Sept. 21, 2020

Episode 117: Pirate Calculus

The creatures gather, hang out, and put the "ARRR" in every “reversal”. Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Branden Ushio
Sept. 13, 2020

Episode 116: Punky Bluetooth

Let's slow things down, and maybe "picture" a world where every child is loved. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Virginia Pickel, and Rick Tetrault
Aug. 30, 2020

Episode 115: Metro Dick

"Total Dicks?" Wouldn't everyone swap letters to land the perfect role? Tonight's guests: David Bowers, Thomas Payton, and Jared Stern
Aug. 19, 2020

Episode 114: Oscar Meyer Aria

Unlike most jokes, puns should work in reverse, thanks to their "double" meanings. Tonight's guests: Christina Brady, Rini Gupta, Molly Huie, Jackie Palmer and Tommy Shen
Aug. 5, 2020

Episode 113: Frying Pan for President

Obama? No... but under Mando law, at times, "man do" get confused. Today's guests: Virginia Pickel, Philip Burrowes, and Allie Sandstrom This is the second live-streamed episode recorded for @HomeCon last month. Go to the @Ho...