Advertising 10101 Episodes

Oct. 25, 2022

Episode 165: Mother Belvedere

No. Mistakes. Back up and try again — in order, and this time, sell it! Tonight's guests: Nique Yager, Philip Burrowes, and Virginia Pickel Please subscribe to the show and leave a 5-star rating and review, and check out the…
June 22, 2021

Episode 135: Lady, Momma, Goddess, Girlfriend

It’s Bob! Act now and dive into the stream backwards! Served first come first it’s! Tonight's Guests: Jenn Allen, Philip Burrowes, and Rick Tetrault
Feb. 20, 2020

Episode 100: C'thulhu Knievel

Alternate timeline - Episode 100 is live and in person! Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, David Bowers and Jared Stern
June 17, 2019

Episode 66: Smurfy Potter and the Fugitive Fork

This episode adds shows to films, trades out letters, and divides by smurf. Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Troy Wood, and Rick Tetrault.
June 11, 2019

Episode 54: Smokey Pants and the Holy Grail

The titles team up and so do the players, as they ponder my clues. Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, Brandon Ushio, and Rick Tetrault
June 11, 2019

Episode 49: The Enigma Modification

Advertising joy, Adjective augmentation, and... um, secret stuff. Thanks to Allie Sandstrom and Rick Tetrault for playing!
June 11, 2019

Episode 42: Yodel Badger II: Badger Rules

Take a movie and "ad" one for Part 2, but three's the magic number. Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Troy Wood, and Chris DeFilippis
June 10, 2019

Episode 37: The Alphabet Curse

It's fun with letters! Trade 'em! Explain 'em! (Ignore them in Round Two, though) Tonight's guests: Allie Sandstrom, David Bowers, and Rick Tetrault
June 10, 2019

Episode 31: The Shape of Improv

Man, oh man! Improv promotes fluidity, like an ad for water :) Tonight's guests: Halimah Abdullah, Anthony Irons, and Dionna Griffin-Irons
June 10, 2019

Episode 22: Secret Life Coach

Secret messages, advice-giving Daleks, and more "Bob" businesses. Today's guests: Hoai-Tran Bui, Rick Tetrault, and Shawn Wray
June 10, 2019

Episode 18: Unaccompanied Advertising

Switch just one letter, and pictures of "words” changes to pictures of "wards.” Tonight's guests: Virginia Pickel, Allie Sandstrom, and Rick Tetrault