The P Is Silent Episodes

Nov. 25, 2023

Episode 183: The Gnarly Soprano

Describe things clearly... even when all your letters aren’t where they should be. Tonight's guests: Nique Yager, Tom Matteson, and Scott Matteson Please subscribe to the show and leave a 5-star rating and review, and check o...
Feb. 1, 2023

Episode 172: Quantum GameShow!

Clues are there but not, reminisce, and leap from one question to the next. A big thank you to Allison Pregler , Matt Dale , and Christopher DeFilippis , the hosts of the Quantum Leap Podcast, for appearing on this episode, t...
July 24, 2022

Episode 160: My Balloon Hawaii

Mum’s the word: it means "quiet" and works backwards too. Time to play your parts! Tonight's guests: Jackie Palmer, Virginia Pickel and Allie Sandstrom Please go to and VOTE FOR CAPTAIN GAMESHOW for the ...
March 10, 2022

Episode 149: Rebel Rebel, Bueller Bueller

Classic tv might be confused with the "quiet" game… or maybe not. Tonight's guests: Philip Burrowes, Chris DeFilippis, and Thomas Payton Please subscribe to the show and leave a 5-star rating and review, and check out the oth...
May 5, 2021

Episode 132: Crisp Linen Thundercats

Thanks, Chris! No, not you... Even though your “H” means you do "-ave" a shared trait. Tonight's guests: Philip Burrowes, Troy Wood, and Rick Tetrault
Feb. 1, 2021

Episode 125: Sword of the Penguins

"Exes" are silent. Others will tell the tale... and fight with twisted tongues. Tonight's guests: Branden Ushio, Rick Tetrault, and Thomas Payton
Jan. 13, 2021

Episode 123: The Math is Silent

Tree plus one is four. Hear silence and count with your ears. This is the way. Tonight's Guests: Molly Huie, Jackie Palmer and Linda Ouyang