Let's Get It On! Episodes

Nov. 7, 2019

Episode 86: Mastodon Rebellion

Hmmm... I detect notes of folks getting their image- based descriptions on... Tonight's guests: Thomas Payton, Allie Sandstrom, and Chris DeFilippis
June 10, 2019

Episode 33: This Is My Pteranodon

This is your chance to get your word game podcast on — Say "Good night," players. Tonight's guests: Jennifer Rubio, Allie Sandstrom, and Jared Stern
June 10, 2019

Episode 30: Get Your Longshorts On

Me: "Alpha-bet you can't win at this vowel game!" Them: "Oh yeah? YOU'RE ON!" Today's guests: Allie Sandstrom, David Bowers, and Virginia Pickel